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Sample Test Interfaces/Demo Configuration

Chapter 7
Sample Test Interfaces/Demo Configuration

This configuration demonstrates four types of interface programs, ptrkeys settings, logging, and interprocess communication.

The timer program (A) submits a transaction to the engine at some user defined time interval. When timer (A) submits a transaction, it sends a wake up message to sample client program (B). When client program (B) gets the wake up message, it retrieves the next record from the idata table in the database (E) and sends it to sample server program (C).

Sample server program (C) will insert the transaction into the database (E), send an acknowledgement to sample client program (B), and send a wake up message to file output program (D). File output program (D) will retrieve the next message from the database and write it to some user defined output file.

Interface Files

ProgramSource DirectoryConfig FileScript File
Timer Programzwebit/source/ztimer1 zwebit/test/config/ztimer1.prozwebit/bin/fromtimer
Sample Clientzwebit/source/zclient1 zwebit/test/config/zclient1.prozwebit/bin/testclient
Sample Serverzwebit/source/zserver1 zwebit/test/config/zserver1.prozwebit/bin/testserver
File Output Programzwebit/source/zfilegen1 zwebit/test/config/zfilegen1.prozwebit/bin/tofile

Ptrkeys Entries

There are four ptrkey entries required to run the four test interfaces. The following commands will load the ptrkeys into the test database.

Filename: zwebit/sql/testkeys.sql
To load the test ptrkey values

  1. cd zwebit/sql
  2. su zwebit
  3. psql test
  4. \: testkeys.sql
  5. q

Running the example program

Verify the interfaces have been loaded in the ptrkeys table for the first test system. On the main web page menu, select View Interfaces for the test system. There should be four entries: FROMTIMER, TESTSERVER, TESTCLIENT, and TOFILE. If these do not exist, see the previous section in this chapter (Ptrkeys Entries) for instructions on how to add the items.

Review the configuration files for these programs and become familiar with them. From the main menu, select View Interfaces, select one of the interfaces and then, select the configuration file.

Start the interfaces

If they do not run, check the log files for error messages.

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Last updated: 07/21/2003