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zHL7 Class

Chapter 5.7
zHL7 Class

Healthcare data is frequently passed between systems using a special format called hl7. If not used in the Healthcare Industry, then zWebitwill not need this class. When zWebit is used in a healthcare environment, the zHL7 class can be used for manipulating hl7 formatted data in C++ programs.

The zHl7 routines basically work by treating the entire transaction as one string of data, and applying seek and find or seek and update logic on the string. The zHl7 class is derived from the zString class.

The zHl7 class does not check for hl7 validity and is not as powerful as some other hl7 parsing tools available. However, it has proven adequate for zWebit, and it is extensible as well.

zWebit is not exclusive to the Healthcare industry alone. In fact, it can be utilized for other endeavors concerning data communication and data manipulation. zWebit is capable of using other classes and libraries for data manipulation.

Sample Hl7 Transaction

zHl7 Method Return Codes


zHl7 Method Parameters

SegCode Segment identifier, like MSH or OBR
SegNo Occurrence number to look for based on zero offset
FieldNo Field numbers in the segment to process
SubField Sub field wthin the field, -1 for all subfields
FieldPtr Optional pointer which returns to the beginning of the field
Result User supplied zString to store result

For example, if SegCode = OBR, SegNo = 0 then this will process the first OBR record.


Method/FunctionDescriptionReturn Code
int isHl7Ack ( )This routine returns true if the current hl7 object is an hl7 acknowledgement. That is, MSAL/AA is found in the data. 1=True
int getField (const zString& SegCode, int SegNo, int FieldNo, int SubFieldNo, zString & result) Retrieve field FieldNo subfield SubFieldNo from segment SegCode occurrence SegNo. If subfieldNo = -1, pull entire field. See return code table
int deleteField (const zString & SegCode, int SegNo, int FieldNo)Delete field FieldNo from segment SegCode occurence SegNo. See return table
int insertField (const zString & SegCode, int SegNo, int FieldNo, const zString & data, int deleteSw) Inserts data into segment SegCode for occurence number SegNo field number FieldNo. Set DeleteSw=z to delete pre-existing field data before insert count. If optional delete Sw = 1, field will be cleared before inserting data. See return table
int segCount (const zString & SegCode)Return the count of segment codes SegCode. Special case is * which returns the count of all segments.
int deleteSeg (const zString & SegCode, int SegNo) This method deletes the entire segment SegCode for occurence SegNo. See return code table
int expandSegFieldDelimCt (const zString SegCode, int SegNo, int FieldDelimCt)This routine expands the total number of delimiters on segment SegCode for occurence SegNo to a minimum of FieldDelimCt. 0=No updates
1=Expanded segment
char getSubFieldDelimiter ( )This method returns the subfield delimiter. Subfield delimiter
char getFieldDelim (int which Delim) WhichDelim is a valid delimiter position 0 thru 3 in the MSH-1 field.
void createHl7Response (const zString & msh4, const zString & msh8, const zString & mshll, const zString & msa1, const zString & msa3)This method is used to create an hl7 ACK or NAK message. Msh11 is system id, msh8 is ACK or AK, msh11 is release level (2.2), msh1 is AA or AE, and msa3 is a comment.
int getSeg (const zString & SegCode, int SegNo, zString & Result)This method returns segment SegCode occurrence number SegNo into Result. See return code table
zHl7 &operator = (const zString &s); This operator is used to set the value to S
zHl7 &operator = (const zString *s); This operator is used to set the value to S

HL7 Message Framing

HL7 messages are typically sent from system to system with particular framing bytes. Although not all systems follow these rules, many systems frame the record as follows:

First byte0x0B
Second to the last byte0x1C
Last byte0x0D

Data messages are stored in zWebit in an unframed manner. That is, the first byte and last bytes are removed from the transaction by the acquisition program before storing the data. The delivery program is responsible for correctly framing messages before delivering the data to its destination. The zHl7 class assumes unframed data is being processed. There are two methods, zString::FrameIt ( ) and zString::deFrameIt ( ), which can be used for handling the framing of the data. See the zString section for information regarding the frame characters.

zHl7 Test Program

/* zhl7 test program

   Copyright (c) 2000 HSC  GNU/GPL


#include "../../base/zstring.cpp"
#include "../../base/zhl7.cpp"

using namespace std;

int main()
  zHl7 hl7;

  zString ws;   /* work string */
  char c;
  int rc;
  /* load the test data record in (one byte at a time) */

  ifstream infile( "testhl7.dat", ios::in );
  if( !infile ){
    cerr << "File testhl7.txt could not be opened" << endl;
  infile.read( &c, 1 );
  while( !infile.eof()){
    hl7 += c;
    infile.read( &c, 1 );

  /* load the hl7 class with data */
  cout << "Loaded hl7 record =>" << hl7.getData() << "<=" << endl;
  cout << "hl7 message length = " << hl7.len() << endl;

  /* pull the fifth field from the first PID segment, all sub fields */
  rc = hl7.getField( "PID", 0, 0, -1, ws );
  if( rc > 0 )
    cout << "PID-0 = " << ws << endl;
    cout << "error " << rc << " in getField()" << endl; 

  /* pull the fifth field from the first PID segment, all sub fields */
  rc = hl7.getField( "PID", 0, 5, -1, ws );
  if( rc > 0 )
    cout << "PID-5 = " << ws << endl;
    cout << "error " << rc << " in getField()" << endl; 

  /* pull the fifth field from the first PID segment, second sub fields */
  rc = hl7.getField( "PID", 0, 5, 1, ws );
  if( rc > 0 )
    cout << "PID-5-1 = " << ws << endl;
    cout << "error " << rc << " in getField()" << endl; 

  rc = hl7.deleteField( "PID", 0, 5 );
  rc = hl7.insertField( "PID", 0, 5, "WONKA^WILLY^^" );

  cout << "New hl7 record =>" << hl7.getData() << "<=" << endl;
  cout << "hl7 message length = " << hl7.len() << endl;

  cout << "There are " <<  hl7.segCount( "*" ) << " total segments" << endl;
  cout << "There are " <<  hl7.segCount( "PID" ) << " PID segments" << endl;

  rc = hl7.deleteSeg( "DG1", 0 );
  cout << "hl7 transaction without DG1 segment =>" << hl7.getData() << "<=" << endl;
  cout << "hl7 message length = " << hl7.len() << endl;

  /* update PID segment to contain 50 fields */

  hl7.expandSegFieldDelimCt( "PID", 0, 40 );
  cout << "PID record with 40 fields =>" << hl7.getData() << "<=" << endl;
  cout << "hl7 message length = " << hl7.len() << endl;

  hl7.getSeg( "PID", 0, ws );
  cout << "PID segment = " << ws << endl;

  return 0;

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Last updated: 07/21/2003